Re: Herbert Shelton had "Parkinson disease" why ?
I used to be an agnostic too. I'm not anymore. Waiting to confront God on the possible day of judgement could have disastrous results. The answer you get may not be what you want to hear. It will then be too late to do anything about it. Why not confront God now while there is still time to do something about the outcome of judgement day? It is so much easier to hear from God when fasting. That is sure a great time to talk to Him, although He listens anytime. Sometimes I get my answers shortly after the fasting is over. I reckon the best prayer for an agnostic to start with would be, "God if you're real, reveal yourself to me. God, help me find and see the truth." Also, I just want to mention that the Bible makes it clear that none of us are truly righteous. Yes, there are many good people who do good works, but that will not be enough on judgement day. The only way any of us will make it is to be washed in the blood of Jesus which He came to offer as a sacrifice for us. Christ did come to call sinners to repentance and not the righteous. I do not agree with you in assuming that there are righteous people amongst us who do not need to be called. I believe the righteous were self-righteous and blind to their own sin. Christ preferred to minister to those who realized they were sinners. Without this realization how can you accept what Christ did for you?
I also want to say that I fully respect everyone's right to their own beliefs. I believe that is a God-given right. I do not believe that I have to agree with everyone's beliefs.