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I agree
PhilosophicalCat Views: 1,715
Published: 15 y
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I agree

I found this out by accident.

When I was new to liver cleansing, I forgot to avoid fats on the day the stones come out. That same evening, I had a salmon steak with lemon dressing. I felt stinging in the liver area, noisy and crampy intestinal gurgling, and to my astonishment, several large stones appeared in the toilet about 90 minutes later - way ahead of the food which seemed to have triggered this last accidental mini-flush. Why those stones should be in such a hurry to get out, I don`t know. But their release was definitely triggered by the salmon and lemon juice.

I learned that there is a reason you should avoid fats on the same day the stones come out. Even though the body is still primed to release and remove stones, the epsom level in the body has dropped 8 - 10 hours later, so the common bile duct is not as flexible and it hurts a bit!

By the way, after the liver is relatively cleaned of it`s initial hoard of long-standing, long-term stones, fatty food does not seem to initiate such a dramatic and fast release of stones. Stones might be released, but they travel embedded with the food and do not make such a noticeable fuss upon departure. I don`t know why this happens, but the intestinal gurgling following a mildly fatty meal which itself follows a Liver Flush on the same day seems to indicate that stones are released. However, I`ve never made the mistake of eating such a fat-heavy meal closely following a Liver Flush again. The absence of lemon the few times I had fatty food later the same day the stones came out might have made a difference.

I do NOT recommend this as a technique. The flush, done properly, doesn`t hurt, but this did.

I think your idea is correct.



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