I know exactly what you have because I developed the same problem twenty years ago. You are developing "Cervical Dystonia" and the only thing that will help are certain Yoga exercises and manual manipulation with your own hands. Doctors do not understand this and I wasted precious years being told it would not get worse...trust me it will. I was misdiagnosed with Fibromyalgia for twenty years. You're entire body will become affected like mine is if not stopped now. This is a structural problem and what is happening is that your spine is turning and twisting and muscle follows the spine and is twisting. This twisting eventually creates the "bony prominence" on your neck.I now have the "bony prominences" all over my body and I am treating myself. You have to do Yoga while "twisting" the other way to "untwist" yourself. Take a good look at your back with a mirror and I guarantee your spine is crooked. Slowly each body part will start to turn and twist and it will be painful. Your circulation will start to be cut off and then parasites set in which is what I'm dealing with now! Yuck! I can see in your photos that your upper back is twisting. I don't mean to alarm you and I hope this helps.