How to Make the Kidney Tea -- Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days Re: Uny I'm placing an order and have a ?
How to Make the Kidney Tea -- Kidney Cleanse/Flush 5 Days:
To make the Kidney Tea:
Put three heaping tablespoons (medium) or four heaping tablespoons (strong) of the tea into 48
ounces of distilled water (water must be distilled, or high grade reverse osmosis only – we want the water to be as ‘empty’ as possible to absorb all the ‘herbal goodies’…other filtered &
Ionized Water or spring/mineral water are not as good), and soak overnight. Be sure to use only stainless steel, glass, or enameled cookware. The next morning put it all into a blender and puree. Next, transfer to a pot and bring to a boil, immediately reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, but do not discard them. Let cool, but drink hot. Put the used herbs back into the container of tea for further soaking. (OR, do not strain the herbs out of the tea at all, and just strain each cup as you fill your cup). In the evening add 2-3 tablespoons more of the Kidney Tea herbs and enough water for the next day. Let sit overnite and repeat the process again. Keep adding new herbs/water to the old ones until the evening of the third day, then discard all herbs and start over.