Hey Uny,
I want to order all the things I need for the kidney cleanse but not sure how much I need of a few of the things. Is a 10 day supply of the IF #1 and 2# enough? I also need to know how much of the kidney formula and the glandular formula do I need to get me thru the 5 days? Is there anything else I need for the kidney cleanse? I will also be ordering some of the nerve/calming herbs to see if they will help with the jitters. I did stop the kelp and it did calm things down a bit. I don't think my body wants that right now. Also, you gave me a website on the instructions for the kidney tea and I can't open it. Can you give it to me again?
You had asked me if there were any stresser's that might have brought this on and I have to say NO. This is the first time in many years I can honestly say the only stress I have is my health issues. This year has been really good and lots of good things happening. I really think I have a chronic infection somewhere that is whacking out my immune system. I'm going to go thru Schulze's cleanses and see if I can't get to the root of this. I'm getting ready to move in a couple of weeks and I can't do the kidney cleanse until after I get settled. Closer to the end of the month. Wish me luck:) Thanks! Gayle