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Re: P&B Shake Info-for blueciel

Cleanse the Colon
Organic colon cleanse kit. Complete!

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

blueciel Views: 2,005
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Re: P&B Shake Info-for blueciel


I am also in the process of developing a program for myself. I am currently doing a Bowel Cleanse and a parasite cleanse at the same time. I do Liver Flushes whenever my liver hurts or feels congested, every 2-3 weeks.

I started cleansing last year due to severe constipation since I was a child. I am 42 but my hair is grey and dry, a sign of parasites. After reading curezone for months until my eyes hurt, I came to the conclusion that my intestines are lined with mucoid plaque, which makes the absorption of nutrients virtually impossible. My protruding belly is also proof to it because no matter how many sit-ups I do I can never get rid of it. I don't have fat that sits on top of my hips, in fact I'm quite slim, however I have a belly. Therefore the colon cleanse.

I've been reading that even people with flat bellies have passed a lot of plaque, which tells me that basically everyone has some sort of sediment in their intestines. If you've been diagnosed with diverticulitis then your digestion is quite impaired, despite your regular bowel movements. You may think you have regular bowel movements but they may not be complete or may be pencil thin, or may be loose. Any of these is an indication of constipation or obstruction.

I've tried many products and the ones that I like are sold by Uniquity on the Natural Healing forum. They are based on Schulze's IF1 & 2 formulas and are very potent. However, I mix her IF2, which is the fiber blend, with plain psylliym husk, because I want something rougher. Her product is too finely powdered, which can work for others but it blocks me. It contains powdered Bentonite and charcoal. Her products are better priced and better quality than Schulze's (not to mention Blessed Herbs) and you get more stuff for your money.

She also makes a parasite blend, which I've never tried.

You should have been able to find very good testimonies under the recommended messages. You will not get any replies to your inquiries now because most people who have successfully cleansed their intestines have moved on and no longer read this forum. This is why you only hear from people who are about to cleanse.

I keep referring to the Bowel Cleanse as intestinal cleanse because the fiber cleanses the small intestine as well, a part that is sorely overlooked. The small intestine harbors a lot of plaque as well which is the reason why a lot of people are depressed and malnourished (ever when fat). Nutrients are being absorbed in the small intestine and lots of serotonin is being produced there too. As you see, a cleanse with fiber is imperative for the overall well-being.

So far, the cleanse has balanced my moods and cravings and I am aiming for three bowel movements a day without help.

The parasite cleanse is helping reduce the bloating. Hulda Clark says that if you get progressively bloated during the day then you have a salmonella overgrowth. A parasite cleanse will take care of that.

As you kill parasites, your liver will start hurting, which is a result of the its efforts to detoxify the body of the dead matter. Liver Flushes followed by coffee enemas are incredibly detoxifying and supporting of the liver. You will have to get over yourself and discover the "joy" of doing enemas. Your head will feel so clear afterward! Read Uniquity's raves about coffee enemas. She will definitely get you into the mood.

I am in the thick of things but I feel a lot better and my hair isn't falling out like crazy, my skin looks healthy as opposed to grey and shallow. My eyes sparkle and my mind is working better than ever. As I mentioned, I am hoping to get rid of the junk in the intestines and the liver and then I'm a happy camper.


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