Re: Salt water flush not flushing
Bravo, Pepe, good to see you still doin' it, still giving out the good info. I agree 100%, P&B is a bad deal while fasting. Save it for a cleansing (fruit/veg) diet some other time.
And it is absolutely possible, as Pepe says, for you to pass solids as I did even unto Day 57, but I am an exception and my poor abused colon was impacted with old orange peels, gum wrappers and god knows what all else (lol!) -- which only took four years of dedicated cleansing to put right.
I am on Day 14 of one of my seasonal follow up MCs and am happy to report I am keeping the trash OUT, where it belongs, the major challenge naturally being to avoid putting it back in via the ole pie hole.
I am living and learning, and feeling great! Hope you all are doing the same.
Best to all,