What do I do for the pain?
I'm sorry to post this late, I hope I can be coherent!
My leg is hurting severely tonight:( Today I did all I could do (mind you I have not been out of the house for the past three days. I am on my monthly cycle, and have been recovering from that (it is better, but still have pain) and also from not sleeping well the last few nights due to the heat wave we're having.
I have been taking herbal calcium the last week or so, often 4 droppersful 2 a day. I have been doing the CE's, they still bother me sometimes (meaning my gut gets very crampy and a lot of pain afterwards along with the heart racing, hyper feeling) today I in fact did two, as I have been very gassy, and I thought this may also help the pain levels.
I've been on IF2 for about a week or more, I am now at 5-6 doses a day, a few with extra clay. My gut is severely painful tonight. I am also doing the slippery elm (about 4 cups a day) been taking the lady's slipper tincture for pain, it's probably day 3 for that- been doing it once or twice a day at 4 droopersful each. Just started ashwaghanda two days ago, at a tsbp a day. The last couple days I have had some sauerkraut and my homemade kefir (maybe a bit too much of both, and perhaps that is reason for the extra gas)
Okay so today, I did 10 min on the stationary boke and some ankle stretched and exercises. My leg was quite stiff, and I noticed while doing them (they were very basic) that it hurt. I maybe pushed a little too much, thinking, that maybe the reason for the pain is that I need to 'work it' more. Again, I did not actually injure my leg, but just pushed, which honestly wasn't all that much!
Anyway, the pain got really bad. I iced, no difference. I wrapped it up with castor oil, deep tissue oil on the calf muscle, and cayenne and castor on the ankle- and put heatiing pads on for the last hour, hoping I would sleep. Nada. I was crying from the pain, and tried to massage the sciatic nerve, as this is very painful too, and may be the root of it. Now I just took the ankle wrap off and am icing it.
I honestly don't know what else to do. I took four droppersful of the nerve food tincture to see if it would help. This one is new for me. I am still very gassy. I know I'm passing some things as I have found some pieces of maybe
parasites in the toilet. The injured leg is on the same side as my descending colon (the left) so anytime there's extra pressure in any way, the leg hurts more, this I know. I'd say actually that my whole left side is hurting bad, up until my neck. I am just so frustrated and scared because it's still immobilizing me to such a level that I never know what I will be able to do/not do.
Any advice is so appreciated:)