Re: Iodine vs iodide?
Iodine is best taken with about 4
oz water on an empty stomach to allow for the gastrointestinal absorption and chemical changes that occur so that the body can prioritize where it goes for that day's consumption.
It's the
SSKI part of
Iodine (iodide) that can be taken with food.
It's why some of us take them separately. I only take about 5 drops of elemental
Iodine per day. That's only a mg, but I do take over 100mg of
SSKI daily...sometimes more.
Sometimes more iodine, too, if I'm exposed to something very stressful to my body. (I was recently stung by a wasp, and just kept painting my skin at the site.)
Another time I helped a neighbor with a cat, something I'm a tad sensitive to. I did start to get the old allergic reaction, so I simply took a dropperful of
Iodine (in a half-cup of water) and the reactions (itchy eyes and scratchy throat) 'melted' away within LESS than two minutes! This was at a time, though, when I was off of iodine. I have stayed at about 5 drops per day of elemental iodine.