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Video Embedded Re: sexua| Exhaustion
InnerCalm Views: 9,717
Published: 15 y
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Re: sexua| Exhaustion

You may want to retire your.."if it feels good, do it" T Shirt
for starters. Seriously though, I think you need to face your addiction and there are several powerful ways to do so.

Instead of putting the cart before the horse with herbs etc, it may be more important to restore some balance in sexua| function by pacing yourself.

For help with that look at NLP as a great way to interrupt your current pattern.

There are some ways to rebuild using herbs but its like this...

You don't apply medication to a thumb you keep hitting with a hammer over and over again. First remove the hammer and then get to the medicine.

Reminds me of the story where a guy sees his doctor and says "doctor it hurts when I do this." To which the doctor replies "then don't do that."

So to repeat...behavior modification first and herbal and other remedies second.

Once you regain balance you'll be back on the saddle again. ;-)

Now with that out of the way, here's some well deserved entertainment and a preview of your future.



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