Sexual Exhaustion
Hi There,
I am 25 and am suffering from sexua| exhaustion. Caused by over self-gratification.
I have taken Herbal medicines and they have improved my libido a bit.
But I am still suffering! I was with a girl the other night and couldn't get hard it was all very embarrassing!
I talked to an online doctor and he looked at my blood test results and said my TSH was to low and my T4 was to high.He said my disorder was called Hyperthyroidism.
He said if I could fix it naturally my ED and PE would go away! I tried fixing it naturally but it didn't work.
I guess my only option is to try perscription anti TSH medicine but he said that it was a 50/50 chance of working.
I really need help as I am very depressed and have a constant feeling of hopelessness.
If any body has been through this or know of a solution I would very much appreciate the help!
I really don't know what to do next! Please help me!