Re: The sick need a physician
yes, i now liked to free myself from any ideas or thoughts that forced me to act and not live my joyful gift from God. I have been chased to hell in order to apeace cowards minds thinking anxiously of a future and a things of the devils to possess me. My thoughts became obsessed with their unhappiness of life, the unacceptance of the present existance, the bad spirit/energy - with their bad thoughts invented to force and separate and to form endless things as defense. what men want from me or you? So now i know how unclean a mind can be, all induced to harmful actions. I want to free my self from this evil which has always lived from these forces forced into things otherwise I/you would be called impractical but suffering 95 percent thoughts to be born out of hell it is me/you. you can see it as well around you, these high percentage of dead things around as thoughts invented into things; we can call it illusion and can ignore it as well. we can participate too and enjoy the illusion but we have to barbour terrible hate in us and to God and to the real faces that God's creation meant to be. one can think and pretend to other and show as if he is the way, a spirit out of hell.
How can i deliberate my thoughts out of this spirits?
yes, there are thought from God that free you and we have to compete for this by really wanting to see, not thinking, each other well in God's forms with formidable joy that is like a disease - contageous. What will bind us together on earth as in heaven is a power to God and that will be in the eye of these no hungry, greedy, thirsty, angry, frustrated, intolerable, disgusting, let down, ignored, show off, puppets, slaves, bored, and as you say lie, mortality. Yes, a beam from the sun, a drop from the ocean or a cristal patern from a big cristal one.
men are insane and criminals with their forces. Try it go from from one side, from a child of God to them and back. My God! What is the way to God? where is the place becoming of God or we are making? Or we have to ignore the stupidy and harm of action and think of the future as escape from hell and think this is your heaven to be earn? why men force tragedy, forces to get you in the darkness and harm your existance to God and your joy and call it by stupid name such as ecomomy growth, progress, medicine, developement, intertainment, pleasure, luxury? Is this not a bait from Satan, men themselves? You my son, you know this as you have said about the diet adolatry.
Why men has been so much separate so that they will be control to waste with so many stupid things? you know i have been wasted but not coward not to know it as i don't want to be a part of these devils that they will not see God. no one is save by pretending; what is he hiding to save himself? He will find a devil to love in his hell eternaly. I do pray God to free me from those devil in me and around me. I don't believe that we will find God by more ego and more separation and illusion of hell forced to kill for behind it there is evil mischief and ill will, distructive instinct, and spirit and motive etc.
Please join me how to free my pain that waste me.