Re: Need Help with die off symptoms
you have made the absolute best choice to fast newbeginner83, good on you! just hang in there and it will abate very soon don't worry. the fasting lack of glucose has caused a sudden massive die off of fungal and bacterial cells and youre experiencing a temporary but necessary immune reaction called a cytokine storm (albeit a mild one). this has raised your histamine levels and inflammatory responses.
cytokines (interlukens) alert the generals (T-cells) that there are unwanted visitors in the body and to mobilize their army of soldier B-cells (C4) to knock off the fungal pathogens and excessive bacteria that were feeding on your high
Sugar consumption (bacteria and fungi are a simple life form and their food is therefore simple sugars).
this die off attracts a battalion of macrophages (think pickup trucks) which phagocytose (consume) the cell corpses. once the cleanup is done and the generals call off the army the itching will vanish. what can slow this process down is that the adrenals also play a part in reducing hyper-inflammatory responses but if you are american (a nation suffering from adrenal fatigue caused by incorrect diet) then the fasting may have fatigued your adrenals even more and made the cortisol release needed to help calm down the itch (inflammation) slower than normal.
you are doing the best thing at the moment. just grit your teeth and bare with it and before long you will be well and full of energy. patience.