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Re: here's some Iodine in your eye!
torn2tears Views: 5,315
Published: 15 y
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Re: here's some Iodine in your eye!

Hi Trap,

For several years I used to drink several glasses of fresh carrot juice with a glove of Galic and some cayenne.

My problem is hereditary as my brother died 6 years ago at the age of 50. My Uncle died at 48. My sister has a couple of stents and my mother had open heart surgery at 70.

The heart can regrow veins called God's veins if the blockage was in certain places.

With my 2nd heart attack the blockage was in the top of the LAD artery called the widowmaker. It killed a large portion of my heart muscle. BTW I had just had a cardiogram treadmill stress test 1& a half months before this 2nd heart
attack and the doctors had said I past with flying colors. The test failed to reveal that I had a 95% blockage in the LAD!

You can rebuild what part of the heart that is left but the heart enlarges to compensate.

In other words there is no muscle to rebuild.

But I am 54 now and still going. No dought about it I would have prevented the 2 heart attacks if I had had you all and this forum to guide me to take the Lugols that I held in my hand back in the early eighties, after reading
Folk medicine in Vermount, but the crossbones scared me.

But hey I wouldn't have found the best of friends on this forum and great testimonies about Iodine and such if my heart attacks hadn't happened! Everything happens for a reason.

Love you all!!!



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