Re: my brains got scrambled, then cleared
generally speaking I follow the Cutler protocol. HOWEVER! When I do lyme frequencies with the plasma device I get a MAJOR Mercury dump. this is because lyme bacteria sequester mercury, and when they are killed they release the mercury into your system.
It took me a while to figure out what was going on. after every plasma device treatment for lyme I felt like death warmed over. Finally I realized it was Mercury. So basically what I have to do is take very high amounts of ALA for the five or six hours following that treatment. I base it generally on how I feel, my energy levels, how fuzzy my brain is, etc.
Basically I just take 200 mg of ALA, then I wait for my energy to dip or my brain to get fuzzy. When that happens I take another 200 mg of ALA. Etc. etc. I do that for about six hours. That usually takes care of the Mercury dump.
This is something I have come up with completely on my own. Don't know anybody else was doing that
yes, the plasma device is necessary to induce that kind of mercury dumped. the SC-1 has never created that kind of mercury dumped.
this is the thread that discusses the carrier wave I used
This is the program that I ran
Dwell 180
Duty 90
backfreq b 2400000 90