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Re: Static Kill FAILED~!
Zoebess Views: 1,980
Published: 14 y
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Re: Static Kill FAILED~!

Believe me, you are the LAST person
I would try to convince of anything.

You are much like my relatives who
prefer to look at this event and
trust the government and those who
spout the bias that CNN champions.

I am not looking for trouble or oil,
but it is there and to say it is not
is equally insane. There is a level
of covering up that begs one to look
deeper at the motivations of those
who would seek to resort to hiding
and gagging journalists and contracting
scientists so they are also effectively
gagged. I lost my innocence in the
aftermath of the 9-11 event. Perhaps
I lost it before then, but the lies
and the corruption by the government
then has made me look at events in
a manner which allows me to be more

While most people are enjoying the
idea that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
is a done deal, as are my own family
members, I continue to feel that it
is not. I would not go to the Gulf,
nor would I eat anything from its
waters. I do not care if I appear foolish
or conspiratorial or whatever. Nothing
you have said or shown here has given
me one little iota of hope that I am
wrong in my own perceptions.

I am happy for you that you find it
so easy to be convinced that what I
bring to the table is worth quarreling
with. Are you a troll, you
have your head in the sand...hmmm...
I do not think you are programmed.
You just find it less palatable to
allow others to speak their opinion
without kicking at them. I do think
your style of adding to the discussion
is better suited to the Debate Forums .

Personally, I just do not care what
you think, just as I think you should
care less about what I or anyone else

I care about my family. I care about
living near the Gulf and not having
enough information to make what I would
consider informed decisions about the
health risks I am exposed to. I do not
trust the media or the government to
tell me the truth...

You have said that the government does
not have to help us kill ourselves that
we do it ourselves. Well, if that is
your opinion, it is my opinion, you are
NOT paying attention. I can give you
more than a few examples but some
research into topics like Aspartame, MSG
and fluoride would perhaps help change
your mind about the government's goals
in medicating the public.

Here is an example~~

While you're at it, if so inclined, look
up the efforts by New Mexico and Hawaii
to get Aspartame taken off their shelves.
The lobbyists and corruption in Congress
make it impossible to break the cycle of
damaging health. Only awareness, grassroots,
like what I have attempted to help provide
here about the dangers of Corexit, will
help save lives...

...sadly there are agendas. If you do not
believe that, you do not know enough about
"Eugenics" to know better.



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