Re: has anyone tried the master cleanse???
mary i checked all the links and she didnt get better with her
Body Odor , but she was drinking the laxative tea, so i bet she wasnt doing it right.
good news and bad news. good news is my odor has improves greatly i went out and not a sniff! am tryin not to get to excited by it incase it gets worse again, what worked for me? here it goes, i read online that cayenne helps in the elimination of toxins by raising the blood there by makin it easier for toxin removal. so i increased the amount of cayenne pepper x10, before i exercised for an hour i drank a glass of the lemon mix with lots of cayenne pepper. i make sure i really sweat (i dance to hiphop) regular exercise was boring, couldnt go for 10 mins. after i am dripping of sweat, i immediately go take a shower, wash off with phisoderm, at night i drink another cup or the lemon mix lots of cayenne pepper i make sure the water is running hot and steaming so the bathroom is hot like a sauna, i stay until i feel myself perspirating and my pores opening, then shower with hot water to keep the pores open, prepare a hot warm
Epsom Salt BATH with 1lb of
Epsom Salt and i lay in it for a almost an hour, after that i wash off, and am good to go no single smell at all even for hours am smell free, till the next morning like around 11pm i raised my hand and i cud smell my armpit, it wasnt terrible like before but it wasnt pleasant.
fyi mary epsom bath like you said it was is wonderful, its my new best friend! it really eliminates toxins!with instant guaranteed results!
bad news is i ate today. sad i know but i was too hungry i couldnt think straight.
and yeah i developed some funny syptoms on day 2 of the diet i have a WHOLE lots of
Acne on my face! like 4 shows up everymorning, i had splitting head aches, and my tongue became full white and soo bitter and nasty
on day 4 my tongue was actully almost pink but not yet. i went to toilet a whole lot too.
but th
Acne is still on my face and they are like a million... clearasil cant even get them to go!