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Properly breaking a 23 day fast
greykodama Views: 1,490
Published: 15 y

Properly breaking a 23 day fast

All right,

I am on day 19 of a 23 day fast. After this Saturday I will be DONE! I can't wait! The reason for 23 is to do one day for each year of my life.

I plan to break the fast initially with some diluted carrot juice, but could use some guidance as far as time frames and food.

I've read different things regarding how much raw fruit to eat at first and what type. My body doesn't react well to citrus fruits, so any other recommendations?

I've also read from some to eat raw veggies after the raw fruit but again, don't know how much, and still others say to do steamed veggies for easier digestion. Any advice?

If it helps, I'm 23 and am currently at 119 lbs on a 5'4 frame. So far I've lost about 17 pounds and really, really don't want to gain any back, if that's possible. I'm hoping to do a CRON type diet/lifestyle after this so will be restricting my calories. I tend to eat primarily homecooked Japanese food.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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