Re: Bad skin on a water fast (13th day)
Hi deathto
SebDerm :-) you wrote: "I have done an 8 day
Water Fast before and my skin was not so good during fasting, but afterwards I had the skin of a baby for 2-2.5 weeks. That's what is telling me fasting is the key."
don't dismiss the possibility that it could also have been the fact that you were not consuming a particular type of food (or quantity of) which over activates your inflammatory system.
i only found out what was causing my dermatitis by trial and error. after years of cortisone cremes i began to notice that it flared up each time i reintroduced grains and sweet fruits and sugary foods or fruit juices and no matter how long i waited for the body to adjust it never went away, except, when i ate only low GI foods. then the inflammation would stop and my dermatitis would disappear. not only that but my face would become smooth as a babies. annoying because i love grains. and it wasn't through lack of vegetables because i'd already been
juicing for years.
anyways i had no idea what was happening back then, but i've since discovered that grains and sweet foods boost the blood glucose levels and in turn the insulin levels and that these higher levels are connected to *inflammation* not just of the epidermis but the endothelial cells of the arteries and capillaries of the lungs and sinus etc. google 'insulin inflammation'.
and its true, mozzies do love people who eat sugar. my friend is a chocoholic and gets bitten like crazy but they never go near me... nowdays :-)