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So many options, so little time. How to wrap my mind around it all

J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Bojamijams Views: 3,946
Published: 15 y

So many options, so little time. How to wrap my mind around it all

Just a quick bit of history first on me. I was told I had IBS about 4 years ago because I would usually have my stomach inflate about 10-15 minutes after eating and would feel bloated for hours, sometimes even nauseous with nasty gas that would clear out an apartment in a hurry. High fat foods seem to cause this problem the most and the bloating would persist so long that I would even wake up and still be bloated from the dinner 14 hours ago.

About 2 months ago these symptoms were still there but now the stool got softer, I had to go more often and blood started showing up in the stool. Doctors at first though it was internal hemorrhoids but by the time I went in for a Flex Sigmodoscopy it was confirmed as UC at a mild-to-moderate level. Doctors perscribed Mezavant (5-ASA) but it seemed to do nothing. At this point I started losing a lot of weight, could barely eat, would sometimes puke after drinking just water. Doctor insisted that diet had no effect on UC so I kept eating relatively normal, though I avoided dairy. 3 weeks later after my schedule checkup I had lost 25 pounds, had no energy, was bleeding heavily, going 12-16 times a day to the bathroom and the doctor said I had to be admitted to a hospital. They started me on a 24/7 IV infusion as well as Solumedrol (IV based prednosone) at 60mg/day. The IV helped to get my energy back but the steroids did nothing to lower my urgency, my pain or the bleeding.

After 10 days of basically no improvement I begged the doctor to prescribe Flagyl as I read it can be used to treat UC. I also asked for Cipro since the combination is said to work better but he wouldn't prescribe that instead prescriped another anti-biotic called Vancomiacin (a decision that puzzled every pharmacist I talked to since)

At this time I found out about SCD diet and eliminated complex carbs entirely from my diet. Within 2 days I started feeling better and was able to get my stools down to 8-9 times a day with much less bleeding. I was discharged but told to continue on Prednisone (at a 40mg/day dose to be tapered down by 5mg/week). I kept on the SCD diet and the Flagyl (I stopped vancomiacin as it made no sense to me) but saw no further reduction in symptoms. 2 days later I dropped Flagyl as well as I felt it did nothing for me and gave me a tingling sensation in my left index finger which I was worried would leave to nerve damage (listed as a side effect)

So as it stands now, I am on Prednisone (as the doctor says its dangerous to come off a steroid suddenly) and on the SCD diet. I go about 6-7 times a day, diarhea is mostly gone just pellets, with very little blood. However I've basically plateaued and need advice on further steps from here because I am still losing weight (albeit slower) and am soon going to enter dangerously thin levels if I can't get this to stop

I have picked up some Turmeric, Lugol's (strong Iodine solution), have some yerba mate on the way to me and have Miracle-Mineral-Supplement as well.

However. I don't want to do all at once as I would like to know if and what works for me.

I'm confused about Lugol's however. I have some Sea Salt which lists Potassium Iodide as a 2nd ingredient so I was wondering if I should just use a lot of that to get my Iodide or if that is too risky since it'll add too much sodium (though I need more then normal since I go to the bathroom so much and am losing electrolytes).

Back to Lugols, since its called 'strong Iodine solution' and lists a lot of warning if swallowed, it leads me to believe that it needs to be reduced heavily before it can be consumed. If there are more then one version of Lugol's sold, did I buy the worst/most potent one and if so, what kind of quantity should I dilute it to (I have some Vitamin C buffered calcium ascorbate which I read here is a good thing to mix with Lugols and water). Is this true?

Also, is there some mixes which should NOT be taken at the same time? For example, lugols+MMS or lugols+some vitamin or Miracle-Mineral-Supplement +vitamin (I know Vitamin C should be avoided for half an hour before/after Miracle-Mineral-Supplement correct?)

I know I'm rambling and that my questions are buried in there but I'm willing to listen to any advice you guys are willing to give


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