Surely you aren't suggesting that eating a hot dog is healthier than eating lettuce or other vegetables?
Nitrites are the major problem in hot dogs and other processed meats, not nitrates. When meat is cooked, nitrites combine with other compounds to form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Unlike meat, vegetables contain compounds which prevent the formation of nitrosamines (such as Vitamin C). Study after study has found that cooked meat and meat products lead to increased cancer risks while increased vegetable consumption does not (and does in fact often lead to decreased cancer risks).
You cannot compare the naturally occuring sugars in fruits to industrially prepared and refined high fructose corn syrup. Man has been living with and been nourished by fruits for eons. Not so with commercially prepared high fructose corn syrup, which also happens to come from genetically modified corn about 85% of the time (most often "Roundup ready GMO corn").