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Flagyl die-off? Antibiotics and candida
aijian Views: 18,779
Published: 15 y
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Flagyl die-off? Antibiotics and candida

Don't worry, I do not take Flagyl anymore.

I took Flagyl 3 years to fight a blastocystis hominis infection diagnose by diagni-Techs stool test. It didn't eradicate my blasto parasites but I am sure that it gives me some yeast die-off. It could not be the parasites die-off because I tested afterwords and the parasites were still there.

My environmental MD told me that we have to eliminate this infection because it contributes greatly to leaky gut. He told me that he doesn't generally want me to take Antibiotics because I have problems with yeast infection and absolutely high lead level in my urine. But then he proposed me a trio of Antibiotics nitaxoxinide, furazolidone and secnidazole for 10 days, I went to Mexico to buy these because there are not available in Quebec. I was suffering too much: rectal shooting pain and bleeding so I was even not able to sit for almost a year. The trio did work and eradicate my pain and blasto. But guess what: I didn't had any of the die-off reaction that I had while on Flagyl. It means the die-off effect from Flagyl wasn't cause from the parasites and it was absolutely similar to the die-off from yeast.

To conclude, the first round of Antibiotics that I had in 1994 had caused my chronic candiasis. It was 3 weeks of penicillin for a persistent throat infection. In 2008, the flagyl+secnidazole+nitazoxinide+furazolidone super cocktail didn't affect my chronic candidiasis. I was feeling like if it was business as usual with my chronic condition unless for the blasto symptoms that were vanishing away. Maybe it's the type of antibiotics involved (penicillin vs anti parasistatic agent) or the fact that my environmental MD had the brilliant idea to put me on diflucan at the same time.



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