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Re: 2nd Flush--not much there
jiowa Views: 1,018
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 166,260

Re: 2nd Flush--not much there

Hi don't be concerned. Each flush is different and the idea is not to put too much attention on how many or much comes out...though we all do that. The proof is in how well you feel in the days to come.

That being said, my advise is to stay on schedule and do your 4th ESalt today ( assuming I am reading the times right). I take some warm water after my 3rd and 4th
ES drink that gets the movements and quanity going. The ES if a cold drink with Apple juice or cold water like suggested slows things down.

Also after eating the fruit salad (2 hours after last ES) will helps keeping things moving along. And more warm water through out the day. I had more stones this morning 2 days later.

Good luck!


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