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2nd Flush--not much there
julieuma Views: 1,122
Published: 20 y

2nd Flush--not much there

Just did my 2nd flush last night. I did not drink much
apple juice, but I had been doing Chinese Bitters and GCG
for the 3 weeks prior. I used 1/2 C olive oil and 3/4 C
GF juice this time, and am happy to say that though I
did get heartburn I did not throw the mixture up--yet (it's
the next day now). Have had 4 evacuations so far after my
3rd ES and all I've gotten so far was some tiny pea-green stuff
smaller than peas. On the first flush (early July) I had
some of the same plus some broken up tan popcorn-looking
stuff. Does this mean I don't have stones? Or are they
still impacted and I just need to keep flushing till I
get them out? I should say I have also been using Barefoot
Herbalist's de-wormer and kidney cleanse herbs, for over a


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