What I am seeing going on here is a continual and spirited effort to label posters that share certain kinds of information.
It would be different if it was stated once or twice but it is quite apparent there is an agenda to do do so, considering dozens of messages that relay this energy.
The poster says that that much of the info being shared in this forum is fear mongering, that little value is being shared here, etc, etc yet...
...and here is the tell tale.
They themselves are not sharing anything other than the repeated slamming of posters or attempting to color the sharing of much of the information. In this I see much diversion rather that practicing what they preach. These are tactics that can be seen on many forums on the internet to distract from the sharing of data that is being presented in the field. It only serves as diversion.
Perhaps their energy would be better spent sharing the kind of information they would rather see shared in this forum, unless their intent is something other than what they say they would rather see take place in this forum.
Lead by example vs constant echoing of the same message over and over and over.....