Re: 1 day after I broke a 25 day water fast
Second reply to DaisyLou:
"Are you planning on exercising?"
I am not planning on it, I will if I feel very energetic and want to. But only after a week or so when I'm sure my electrolytes have stabilized.
"Will you fast after you family event?"
Probably not, I am not planning on fasting again unless I feel like I need it at some point much later.
"how long are you going to be on the ultra low cal diet?"
I will be monitoring my weight carefully and my energy levels and will increase my calorie intake very slowly over time, maybe two weeks. Then I'll have settled on how much makes sense for me to consume and I will maintain that ultra low calorie diet (but not so low as 200 calories as I did) for either 2 months or until I reach my preferred weight, which ever comes sooner. During this time I will be increasing the diversity in the vegetables and fruit I consume, at least after a week.
After that I will increase to a more normal 1200-1600 calorie vegan diet including non-vegetable plant based foods.