I am looking into fasting to clean my system out and feel refreshed. I am college student and I always let stress get to me. I was hoping that, while I have the time off and I am not doing anything, I could fast to really clear my system of toxins and start fresh with what I consume as well as how I think. When I say newbie, I mean newbie! I have never fasted before. I was introduced to it by my mother. She told me a few stories about when she fasted to do similar things and the amazing experiences she had while fasting. I would like to fast as soon as I am done with summer school (because I have no job right now) and I don't start the next semester until the end of August. The reason for posting here is because even with all of the research I have done I could really use some advice/guidance. So please, let me know what the best ideas are for starting out a fast, etc etc. Thank you so much!