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Re: Picking fruits and sewing nuts
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,404
Published: 15 y
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Re: Picking fruits and sewing nuts

To be sure, the pyramid has many layers. I am not a disbeliever in the pyramid you speak of - I am quite familiar with it and have studied it for some time.   I thoroughly believe that there is a NWO/Illuminati/World Elite plan for world domination and depopulation.  However, I don't view everything that happens in the world as necessarily being part of that plan. Neither do I believe that all conspiracies that are voiced are automatically valid.  I don't necessarily believe that even most conspiracy theories are valid.  Sure, there can be stacks and stacks of conspiracies piled one upon another, but I think that most often you will find real conspiracies intermingled with wild conjecture and often the layered theories and conjecture are composed of incompatible parts.

Bottom line is that I am not ruling out hardly anything being possible in the Gulf blowout, but I have seen nothing convincing enough yet for me to jump on board any of the conspiracy bandwagons at this point.  Things are simply too murky (lol).



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