someone's still got to pick the fruit...
Thus the oft-quoted figure of a suitable worldwide population of 500,000. A few thousand at the top, several thousand key workers and operatives and the rest essentially serfs/slaves. An much less "useless eaters".
That there is a powerful world elite who conspire both secretly and openly to shape the world to serve them is obvious - or should be. In a sense, such has always been the case and we have always had those who seek to rule the world. However, today's advancements in technology have brought about the means to achieving world domination by an organized elite. They already control most of the wealth, most of the governments and most of the mainstream information we receive (and can shut off most of what free information we receive, such as this message, with the push of a button).
One problem we have is illustrated here in this forum and on the conpiracy forum: Too many of us see everything as part of a conspiracy and thus there are no end to conspiracy theories that pop up whenever anything happens. Which doesn't mean that there iaren't conspiracies at work, but the crop of theories that run the gamut from basic conpiracies to the fantastical provides plenty of fodder for those who had rather proceed with blinders in place and believe their filtered nightly "news" sound bytes are reality and any who say otherwise are "conspiracy nuts".
For example, we have seen theories that say that the BP rig was a) brought down by a Korean sub, b) was planned in advance as a scheme to bring up world oil prices, c) was planned in advance as part of a NWO depopulation scheme which included the use of Corexit, or d) was a result of cost cutting and ignoring safety measures and warnings, and that Corexit has been used due to its effectiveness at keeping the oil below the surface and limiting BP's financial exposure, as well as due to a Corexit owner's rep being on the BP board). Then we have the theories that a) they capped the wrong well, and b) they haven't capped any well and the undersea photos are all staged, as well as all the conflicting doomsday scenarios by so-called experts (some of whom have vested interests at play) and the tried and true Lucifer and Armageddon scenarios.
And that's just a sample. We haven't yet had any extraterrestrials or alien shape shifters from the fourth dimension, but I'm not ruling them out as making an appearance in a post at some point in time, along with Masons, Illuminati, Church of Rome, Council of 300, etc.
I'm not saying that there aren't conspiracies at work, but there has been a time honored practice that conspirators have used forever to cover the real conspiracies - and that is to plant fifth column groups (a la Laibow and Stubblebine in the UFO, 9/11 Truth and now Health Freedom movements) to misdirect attention from the real truth and to encourage wild and false conspiracies in order to make every conspiracy scenario look rediculous. No doubt, the same game plan is being played out now in the gulf.
At the very least there is an ongoing conspiracy to cover up their omissions and limit their liabilities. That likely includes covering up the extent of the spill, covering up (literally) the damage to beaches, eco-systems and wildlife, covering up the dangers of Corexit, covering up the condition of the seabed and covering up additional leaks.
Whether there may be more sinister conspiracies is anybody's guess, and I surely do not rule them out completely - I'm just saying that what we have thus far are pretty much just guesses, and perhaps some well planted misdirections.
I don't buy that there is any good equipment that has been held back. There has never been a blowout like this one a mile below the surface and there simply is not any better equipment to handle something that has never been encountered before. Now we see that there should have been.
I don't know how long the cap can hold. It is leaking worse and worse and we really don't know what the pressure is doing to the already damaged well structure and seabed. The relief wells are designed to drill into the well pipe casing and the pressure readings tell me that it is not intact. They clearly said earlier that they were looking for readings of 9000 psi to provide reasonable assurance the well casing was intact. After getting only 6700 psi readings, they changed the target figures downwards at least twice, but still have not reached the figures.
I think the well structure is farkled and so is the seabed - and also that we have other leaks where there are no wells at all. They are continuing to play a deadly guessing game - and so far they have guessed wrong every time..
assume that the gulf will get cleaned up, BP will 'make it right' and life returns to normal for folks in the gulf.
Not, I fear, in my lifetime, my son's lifetime, or my grandchildren's lifetime. BP is incapable of cleaning up the gulf and thus far incapable of stopping the oil. They apparently have no interest in actually cleaning it up anyway - just appearing to do so while limiting their liability.
To be sure, the pyramid has many layers. I am not a disbeliever in the pyramid you speak of - I am quite familiar with it and have studied it for some time. I thoroughly believe that there is a NWO/Illuminati/World Elite plan for world domination and depopulation. However, I don't view everything that happens in the world as necessarily being part of that plan. Neither do I believe that all conspiracies that are voiced are automatically valid. I don't necessarily believe that even most conspiracy theories are valid. Sure, there can be stacks and stacks of conspiracies piled one upon another, but I think that most often you will find real conspiracies intermingled with wild conjecture and often the layered theories and conjecture are composed of incompatible parts.
Bottom line is that I am not ruling out hardly anything being possible in the Gulf blowout, but I have seen nothing convincing enough yet for me to jump on board any of the conspiracy bandwagons at this point. Things are simply too murky (lol).
I happen to share your opinion that we have a population problem - at least the way the world is structured now and if we are to preserve other species, our vital rain forests and other more or less natural natural areas. The problem of course is how to sensibly and equitably depopulate. There are those who would gladly choose and even plan to do so and I fear you and I may not be high on their lists and even if we were, we would not be too happy with our chosen lot.