Hi JM ! and others too ! I am surviving and doing my best. I have not yet received my order of strong enzymes after being hit with Leishmania from chemtrails. Specially hard at night so I drink Verbena off. and also bathe with it. My skin is a tissue of big wounds...(ugly). The hot weather is affecting me more than I can take (hard on nerves too). I find the newcomers a terrific addition to this site. They are full of knowledge, creativity and seem so much stronger than I am. However, I am treating myself and learning as much as I can.
I put cayenne into caps last night (done maybe 20) the wind forced me to stop. I went sit down in front of the fan with a face cloth. Ten minutes of it cleared it all. It was for hubby who now believes his stomach 'bug' that calms down after eating could be H. Pilory instead of a parasite. I read posts every day. Love and Light to all !