Will Rife Frequency generator kill all worms and larveas in the body ?
As i have already explained in others curezone forum i'm infected with
Ascaris worms and larveas.
Main symptoms are itchings and crawlings in the intestines /colon / lungs + chronic cough (ispit small larveas with yellow mucus) + chronic sinusitis + small itching crawling in others parts of the body.
I've tried the drug albendazole prescribed by my doctor without success.
I've tried
Wormwood + wallnut hull + cloves without success
I've tried many zappers without success.
The ultimate zapper is really powerfull (for a zapper...) and i feel that it really distrubs the worms. However it does not kill them instantly and the problem is that the worms move to others parts of the body where there is less current.
During the past months, i felt worms crawling and itching in the intestines/colon and larveas in the lungs and sinuses.
And now that i have used the ultimate zapper many hours i feel less itchings and crawling in the lungs but the itchings and crawlings are now in the head and in the lymph nodes (behind the arms, behind the ears.)
So i'm really scared especially about the worms crawling and itching in the head and i don't know what else i can do to kill them all !
Do you think a Rife frequency generator will kill all these worms in the intestines and kill all the larveas in the lungs, lymph nodes, head?
If you have managed to stop a similar worm infection with Rife machine please tell me what to do !
Thanks !