Humaworm and food allergy testing
Hi RG,
I'm not gaining much weight after 2 rounds of Humaworm, so I figured there could be other reasons for my failure to put on weight aside from the darned tapeworms.
I did a Biotek food allergy blood test on Day 3 of my current Humaworm round, and it only occurred to me later that perhaps I should not have done it with the herbs in my system, which could have affected the results.
Do you think it is possible? I ask because my blood test shows that I'm allergic to quite a few foods, like milk, eggs, wheat, almonds, lots of shellfish, pineapples, asparagus etc. What a bummer. Do you think I should do a re-test later?
Also, could parasites cause allergies?
I am probably going to try the NAET method of allergy elimination/reduction/neutralization. Will this method react with the herbs in any Humaworm products? Thanks.