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Urine & saliva ph testing don't match!?
LoricaLady Views: 5,225
Published: 15 y

Urine & saliva ph testing don't match!?

Hello - Any ideas?

When I take baking soda or ph drops my urine ph paper will go from originally yellowish green to dark blue. However, the saliva only turnes it a dark green - at exactly the same time. I did wait for 2 hours after eating to test.

Dr. Young, of The Ph Miracle: Balance You Diet, Reclaim Your Health, says the saliva ph is the most imporant. Why won't mine go up to match my urine levels?

He also says you cannot over alkalinize. Here is a link about that & other things he says.

So far from what I am seeing on the net, low ph in saliva is said, by a couple of people, to be an indication of calcium deficiency. I do crave milk a ton (have all my life). Also I am hypothyroid & on Armour & those kinds of meds make one need more calcium. But I thought a quart of milk (with ACV no less, to break down the calcium better) a day, digestive supplement & calcium supplements were enough...

Also, those of you who have successfully gone from acidic to alkalinize, how did this positively affect your health & how soon, please?


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