For a good discussion about the meaning of different variations of urine and saliva pH go to
I am well aware of Dr Young's works. See this post of mine
I also posted a few of his articles here and there.
I don't know about that we cannot over alkalize. But there are definitely the good ways and the bad ways to alkalize. There are ways that your stomach may lot like.
Things also depend on well or sick your digestion system is. Some may tolerate a certain protocol while you may not because your system is too weak.
First, you have observed by yourself that sodium bicarbonate increases the pH of the urine.
This is a shortcut that is for short term only.
1-If you were acidic then you most likely depleted your mineral reserves. Minerals=Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and a lot of various other minerals. Taking drops or baking soda will never replace those missing minerals. And if the only change in your nutrition is taking drops and baking soda you might still continue under feeding yourself of precious minerals.
2-Human body requires the intake of sodium and potassium in a specific ratio. Taking BS might be good in the case that you were deficient in sodium or had too much potassium consumptions. However, not only the sodium/potassium ratio is important but also the ratio of sodium to calcium, the ratio of calcium to magnesium ... and so on. Why do you think that Dr Young's pHsalts is made with bicarbonate of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium? hummm, why indeed?
We can infer from the point 2 above that re-adjusting the pH balance will be done by re-adjusting the consumption of many different minerals in the appropriate ratios, and of course eliminating all the junk food we eat. Perhaps the later is even more important.
These ratios may differ somehow from person to person but their intake requirements will also depend on by how much proportion you depleted yourself from various minerals. If, for some reason, you lost a lot of calcium, then you will need to take more calcium.
So, second, potassium will increase the pH of the saliva. Therefore if you take baking soda then take also a potassium compound like potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate (there might also be other kinds of potassium compounds). You will have to determine by yourself the proper amount to take.
However, grz directed you to a post of mine
where you can find recipes of mineral waters. The more different minerals the better. Yet if you go to
, the post will direct you to the Moreless alkalizing drink, which is IMO the best you can get in terms of variety of minerals and of cost effectiveness. You will find it will cost a lot less than those expensive drops.
Finally, I looked at your A/A debate forum thread. I might post a few things there or here.
So, good luck
PS Moreless own forum