20 y
Post-flush misery
Greetings all,
I performed my first flush at the weekend and have felt awful ever since. After flushing I have had pains in my bowel and diarrhoea for three days now, along with severe numbing pain in my liver. Yesterday evening I began to feel as if I had the flu, and today it is the same (only worse). Anything I have tried to eat has caused me severe discomfort and led to even more diarrhoea. I realise these may well be die-off/detox symptoms, hence I may be suffering a healing crisis, but this feels truly terrible. I also realise that to look for advice is to seek reassurance in what you already know, but I would appreciate words of wisdom, possibly from those who have experienced something similar. My liver feels blocked, and this may be what is causing discomfort; is it safe to flush at the weekend again? I know that it is widely accepted you should wait two weeks between flushing, but I feel as if I must do something in an attempt to alleviate my woe. I continue to drink
Essiac and Pau D'arco whilst taking 20 drops
Clarkia three times a day...I now plan to try ingesting juice (pineapple, papaya, etc) in the hope that it will lessen my misery whilst avoiding even more diarrhoea.
I feel quite pathetic at the moment, and can sympathise with those who have spoken of post-flush depression. It is hard to feel anything other than despondency when one feels physically awful.
Hopefully there are words of advice and/or comfort,