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"gross aberrations in [candida] DNA staining" - FUN
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"gross aberrations in [candida] DNA staining" - FUN

Yay, it screws with candida DNA, making it generally die en masse! Woohoo!

...wait - IT SCREWS WITH CANDIDA DNA?!?! Uh, last I checked, a fungal infection constitutes countless BILLIONS of fungi. If you randomly mess up something in some lifeform's DNA a few billion times, you're almost guaranteed to MOSTLY kill 'em, but... also... to create a few BENEFICIAL MUTATIONS. Beneficial to them, that is, and possibly deadly to us.

Scrambling disease DNA is basically just accelerating the evolution of new strains by a factor of thousands.

Now, is it just me or is the concept of breeding new little C. superyeasties in your own body downright unappealing?


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