erythromelalgia - some questions for Hv
I am struggling with post-Mirena issues and am active on the Mirena forum. Lately, I've begun to read this one as well. I have had the IUD out for 8 months now and am still really struggling with neurological symptoms. I've been tested for lupus and MS, but the tests are normal, except that I do have antinuclear antibodies. My neurologist and GP have determined that I have a non-specific autoimmune disorder. I live in a small town with no specialists, and my GP says he can only refer me to a rheumatologist hours away who will try immune-modulating drugs/steroids. My GP gave me an Rx for prednisone, but I remember reading a post of yours on the Mirena forum which discouraged that. I am very open to holistic/natural form of treatment (for the first time in my life) but know very little and am not sure where to start. I feel like allopathic medicine has betrayed me, but I am also bewildered by the array of supplements I see at the local health food store.
In particular, I struggle with a circulatory condition called erythromelalgia. It started 2 months after having the Mirena out. I assume it is related to the autoimmune condition. I have 4 kids, and staying in bed with feet elevated in front of a fan is not working for me. I've heard of magnesium therapy (1-3 grams?). Since my Dr. knows nothing about it, I'm in the dark and trying to research and learn about natural medicine and herbs.
Would you please point me in the right direction? I'm ready for someone to tell me what to take, where to buy it, how to take it, etc. I need to get better. I am very open-minded.
Much thanks,