Re: I think my Adrenals are completely shot.
I came across this and the lymphoma part has me a little worried.
"Vitamin D hypersensitivity, which is different from vitamin D toxicity, occurs when aberrant tissue in the body activates vitamin D in an uncontrolled manner. Primary hyperparathyroidism is a common cause. Sarcoidosis is another common such disease, but any of the granulomatous diseases can do it, as well as some cancers, especially non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In these cases, hypercalcemia can occur with normal, or even low 25(OH)D levels. The diagnosis is confirmed when 25(OH)D levels are normal or low, 1,25(OH)D levels are elevated, and ionized serum calcium is elevated. If PTH is also elevated, then primary hyperparathyroidism is the most likely diagnosis."
So how worried should I be?
No reason to worry since there is nothing to really worry about yet. Let's see what the lab tests say first. And I would not worry about things like lymphoma. You would have had other symptoms if this were the case.
Should I have my D level tested?
I would not bother with this. The accuracy of these tests are highly questionable.
If it's hyperparathyroidism, will I even be able to recover from it? Will I be able to avoid surgery?
A common cause of hyperparathyroidism is a lack of vitamin D. But in your case I think if there is too much PTH being secreted that it is from the excess phosphorus intake from the paleo diet you have been doing. Get your phosphate levels down and the PTH and serum calcium levels should return to normal.
If my Calcium level comes back normal, then what? Adrenals?
Adrenals are a possibility if you are secreting too much cortisol. But there are other possibilities though including low muscle ATP.
If it is Hyperparathyroidism, won't Vitamin D3 supplements make it worse?
No, low vitamin D is a common cause of hyperparathyroidism. Because of the lower calcium absorption the parathyroids can release PTH to raise serum calcium to make up for the poor absorption.
BTW, I had my Serum Calcium tested in 2007 and it was 9.7. Standard range is 8.4 to 10.2.
That was a while back. Things change, especially with changes in diet.