Silica reacting badly to water and metal?
Hi peeps,
currently I'm looking at ways to improve my uptake of silica since silica is such a wonderful mineral for bone health. My teeth are becoming completely transparant for some reason and my enamel is eroding.
One way of course is improving the stomach acid to improve the uptake of silica, the second is supplementing with magnesium, the third is increased intake via food or supplements.
I live in the Netherlands and found this product:
For those of you who don't read Dutch (tssssss! :P ;-) ) it translates as Organic Silicon Common Horsetail Nettles. It's basically a liquid kind of silica which is the best kind.
In the product information they specifically say not to let the product come in contact with glass or metal. They don't specify why this is. I contacted the store and they said silica always poorly reacts to glass and metal and should be avoided.
This information is interesting because I also wanted to make a infusion with nettles and leave it standing for 24 hours in a glass weckpot (sorry don't know the english word for this)
. Mason jar?
If silica reacts badly to glass and metal I have to find another way.
Does anyone know anything about this? Does Silica react badly to glass and metal or is it just this type of silica? Or maybe only this product? The employee said it's all kinds of silica...
Further information on the term silica lead to confusion when I asked the vitaminstore employee.
Silica or Silicon dioxide translates as silica or Siliciumdioxide in Dutch. And silicon as silicium. So basically this is the non-oxidized version? If I'm correct that would be annoying since my teeth are already telling me I'm converting silica badly. So the non-oxidized version could help greatly, but to what degree is uncertain.
Anyways, it's supposedly a really good product. It's one of their bestselling products.
Dutch girl :)