Re: Hmph. Not much going on so far!
I was going to look for your message and here you are. Just start walking around, some protocols say that is allright too. The reason they say it does not always work as well is because of the circadian cycle (I hope I have this right).
I am going to do it in daytime to-morrow too, though I will start at 6 am.
I was going to do it at night, but I am getting my personal trainer at 8 am the next morning and I did not think it was a good idea to do it with the ES in me!.
This is the only time I have, because my brother is visiting so it will be a week with more food and wine than normal.
I will see if I can find the posting about D.'s grandmother walking through the night. If I can find it, I come back to this post and add it as a PS.
PS: type in the search box, right top, D.'s grandmother and you will get the message. D. is the originator and
Webmaster of curezone.
His messages are great. If you ever want to read them go to bottom of the page and click on Username (all messages) and go to page 71.