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Re: Why All Candida Cleanses Fail!
dvjorge Views: 4,451
Published: 15 y
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Re: Why All Candida Cleanses Fail!

These are the last minutes I spend answering you. I have to believe in Liver Flushes according to you??? Where are the real evidences (medical, scientific) that show that is real??? Have you seen how many links, opinions, references you can find about the fact Liver Flushes is an scam???? I see you get impressed by anything you find, like Mc Combs plan. To feel better battling an intestinal candidiasis you don't need to give your money to anybody a little bit more smatter than you. Follow any anticandida diet you find around and add some supplements such as GSE, Oregano Oil, Caprilic Acid, Olive Leaf Extract, etc and you will see some benefits. There is nothing special about Thorne FS-722 that any other fatty acid or natural "antifungal" can not reach. Do something better, and I can tell you it will work... Take Threelac for 3 months and follow an smart diet and you are going to get better results than with any other natural antifungal. Yes, you have a lot of ways to feel better for a while. Does it mean you are cured??? I don't think so. I don't come to this forum to argue against anybody but you look like this kind of person who like that. If you are lucky with Mc Combs plan, congratulations!!! Good for you and please, share your experience. That may be the missing link for us.


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