Piffle. Every candidiasis case is NOT individual, and spit in the face of any stethoscoped imb***le or avaricious pill-peddler who says otherwise. BULL. It's just excuses to fall back on once their lauded plans crash and burn and you start threatening to sue them/discredit them/punch them out/torch their house/etc.
Matter of fact, there are exactly as many types of candidiasis as there are strains of Candida spp. Problem is, all the greedy sods who try to make a living off of miracle cures cannot be bothered to research their snake oil's efficacy against specific strains and docs can be unbelievably daft about not wanting to test you for strains even when they finally recognize a problem.
The lit is out there, though. So if you can get a trustworthy list of strains that you have, a medical professional could actually select the best-suited pharmaceutical for your needs. Assuming that diploma-ed monkey actually knows how to use google search parameters. :(