change of POV: probiotics = simplistic biotechnologic medicine
Just realized that what we here are trying to do is, in effect, at the bleeding edge of medicine and biotech: using a controlled infection by organism B to annihilate organism A.
For anything but gut problems, that whole concept is space-age to say the least - scientists the world over are having wet dreams of targeted hiv- or cancer-eating viruses. Problem is, *those* have to be made.
...***BUT*** yeast-eating bacteria are plenty, and there appears to be no such thing as useful or beneficial yeast in our body, so we can safely nuke them all away. Could it be that what we are looking for is not so much a probiotic that just happens to compete with yeast, but a CONTROLLED INFECTION BY SEEMINGLY USELESS YET OTHERWISE HARMLESS YEAST-EATING BACTERIA??? The whole ACV-cure idea is actually a rather inefficient way of trying to infect oneself with acetobacter - the vinegar itself does *nothing*, it's the bacteria which eat yeast and poop vinegar that interests people (though I'm not sure they know that).
SOOO... who knows of any specifically yeast-eating bacteria without all-too-toxic metabolites? These things would probably *not* be classified as beneficial bacteria by the medical community - just as "harmless/neutral".