I already had a zinc supplement so I just bought a L-Carnosine supplement with the goal to take both at the same time. What I'm reading now though is that Zinc-Carnosine could be a completely different beast.
Is this true or is this just a marketing technique to make you buy their combined stuff?
Sounds like marketing hype. The zinc will kill H. pylori regardless of whether or not it is combined with the carnosine. One of the reasons carnosine is added it to increase mucus secretion to help hold the zinc in place longer to do its job.
As it been effective for anybody? I'm a little scared that the zinc might be irritating to my stomach, as iron is.
Take the carnosine first to help build up the mucus, which will reduce the irritation. Also keep in mind that too much zinc with too little food int the stomach can lead to severe nausea.