Re: Can you help me CURE HPV?
Even though you don't care, the name of the company that isolated acemannan and registered the name "Manapol" was Carrington Laboratories. You can care even less now, because they went bankrupt and no longer produce anything, let alone Manapol. The name has been re-registered by another company, but, to my knowledge, they are not manufacturing anything under that name yet. Also, there is no guarantee that it will be the same thing if and when they do.
To answer your question about the best source of mannose, especially acemannan, there is a chart showing the results of independent laboratory studies on that very subject at
The current leader, by several orders of magnitude is "BiAloe(R)," a product isolated by a new "super-secret" organically certified process developed by one of the "old Carrington" scientists.
Regarding "prevent, diagnose, treat or cure," we won't touch that with a stick, 'cause the FDA doesn't like us to talk about that. I will state that I wouldn't be without this "food," and that this is one of those big "try it--you'll like it" moments.
All that said, there is much more to perfect health than a food supplement. Check out
for the rest of the story. It is free and unbelievably extensive.
To your Perfect Health: NATURALLY!