Re: Can you help me CURE HPV?
Since Doc's not on here right now, I'd say keep going with this program until your whole body is cleaned out. The liver and colon have to be cleaned out so the rest of the body can clean out. That's a process that can take some time. A healthy body has a pH more towards the normal alkaline side and getting healthy on a cellular level will increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the cells so disease can't exist.
I'm adding some Calcium lactate from Standard Process because my colon has still a ways to go in order to properly assimilate the calcium I need. We are low in both calcium and magnesium wehen we start this program. My diet may not contain enough. Calcium is important in this in getting the body to get it back to the more alkaline state. This is just my own personal experience. If you've done the colon cleanses, you might consider this. Eat more alkaline foods like the green leafy vegetables as part of the process.
The immune system will help a lot once the body is cleaned up. This is only what I've read--that beta glucan will help the immune system.
seems to have a good product. If you think this will help you right now. Meanwhile, I've done some research on this and would say that the best things to do would be to take some of Barefoot's oregano oil internally and lots of fresh garlic. Maybe apply externally, but oregano's hot, so dilute it with a carrier oil so it won't burn you skin. Garlic should be able to be put right on the skin. Both will kill most everything for viruses and bacteria. The zapping will help. Another thing I do is colloidal silver. I have a silver puppy from Coyote Zenterprises. I make my own. It may take a while to get rid of this virus.
Keep on cleaning out the liver, if it's not clean already. Most have to do more liver flushes than you've done to get the job done.
Do what is going to rebuild your system, too, if you've got your liver opened up. I like the Dr. Ben Kim's complete vitamin/mineral supplement. Make sure you're also getting the minerals from the Celtic sea salt. AND doing the distilled water to flush the junk out. After the liver is almost cleaned out, be aware the rest of the body is still dumping it's poisons. Consider the lymph or blood cleansers, if you need them, too.