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Re: Meningitis Vaccine
Dr Mom Views: 2,343
Published: 15 y
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Re: Meningitis Vaccine

Thank you, Watering and Willowley for helping this conscientious mother with her dilemma.  It is always a frightening leap when you leave your 'comfort zone' and venture away from conventional wisdom.  Especially when everyone around you says you are being irresponsible and putting your child in danger. 

I hope you understand that when you come to a public forum like this one; we can give you our opinions, share with you what our personal research has shown and what our personal experiences have been, but, in the end, you must do what your heart tells you is right for you in your own circumstances and environment.  If I have learned one thing over the years, it is that there is not always one right answer for everyone.  It quite often depends on the circumstances of your reality.  

Let me give you an example of what I mean:  when Pasteur was doing his research into the germ theory, another scientist by the name of Bechamp was also doing research.  Pasteur's theory was that disease comes from the outside in - in other words, we come in contact with a certain bacteria or virus which gets inside the body and makes us sick.  Bechamp's theory was that disease comes from the inside out - in other words, the environment or terrain we create on the inside of our body is everything - that disease actually develops inside of us because of the acidity, toxins and other garbage in our system due to the type of diet and lifestyle we choose to live.  Because of our modern technology and advancements, we have actually been able to show that both men were right.  The cells within our own body are constantly changing and mutating to fit the environment we give them to live in - even mutating into the form of bacteria.  Obviously, we can also show through microscopic observation that bacteria and virus exist in the world around us.  However, the key to their survival is the environment they exist in. 

Therefore, if through diet and lifestyle we are keeping our body clean, active and in a healthy condition, no bacteria or virus is going to have the right environment to thrive in.  We will still come in contact with them, but they will not be able to take hold and flourish - our body and/or immune system will simply flush them out.  If, however, we are living on a coke and twinkie diet, living a sedentary life with little exercise, then we are creating an internal environment where disease can flourish - which will put us at far greater risk to become ill with whatever comes our way.  So, if your son is willing to take responsibility for his own life and health by actively do everything he can to stay healthy and fit, then you can present him with the research which will show the dangers and possible side-effects of these recommended vaccines.  If, on the other hand, he has no interest in being pro-active when it comes to his health, then you may have to weigh out the dangers of the vaccine compared to the possibility of him becoming seriously ill, so that when it happens you do not blame yourself or have him blaming you.

I received your e-mail and have sent you instructions on how to receive the paper on immunizations.  This can be a tough call to make unless you do your homework, learn the facts and then learn how to handle possible emergencies on your own.  I wish you and your son the best.  It sounds like you may be on a path which will lead to much enlightenment and growth as you study and learn.



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