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Re: Starting the Cleanse tomorrow!
pepe Views: 1,850
Published: 15 y
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Re: Starting the Cleanse tomorrow!

Congrats. You just finished the easy part where everything is all figured out for you . Now comes the make or brake of really reaping the real rewards in the rebuilding faze.

Breaking gently and slowly is VERY important on long fast and the period should definitely be extended and only easily digested foods should be consumed for at least the next 2 weeks and eggs is definitely not one of the things you want to eat this close to breaking a long fast. You should stick to mosty raw, no dairy, meat or flour products. I'm on my 20th day and when I read your question on the egg thing the picture of a frying egg in oil popped into my head and activated my gag reflex ;+D One of the things that I really enjoy on my long fasts is that when I'm done all I want to eat is clean fresh live food and juices.

I would imagine that you should be able to find Miso past in any Asian country so I would say that would be a very good choice. Miso is very nutritious and will help repopulate the beneficial bacterias in your gut. I would recommend the lighter miso like the ones made with rice.  After long fasts it's recommended to take some good probiotics to replenish the intestinal flora since they gets depleted during a fast. My favorite probiotic is Kefir but I would be surprised if you found that in an Asian country. I could be wrong. If there are any health food stores where you're staying you might consider getting some probitics. The good ones will be in the refigerated section. You can get liquid or pills.

If you are anyhting like me hanging with friends generally includes fermented beverages knudge knudge wink wink;+D. A word of warning after a long fast the stuff will hit you like a freight train and knock you silly. I speak from experience........;+D I was hanging with some buds and I drank 4 beers about 2 or 3 weeks after a 40 dayer and I was very careful and drank them slowly and for each beer I refilled each bottled with water 2 twice and drank it. The 4 beers were over a period of 5 hrs +/-. I don't even remember getting home. The next morning I was missing one of my sandals and after looking and looking around the house I found it outside in my patio...............



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