heart attack symptoms and candida
I have been treating my candida for about 14 years now. Recently followed the diet rigorously and lost 10 pounds, and felt better than ever, but when I started adding more carbs and sugars back into my diet, relapsed and started seeing symptoms again (pastey bowel movements, smelly gas, etc). Up until now, those symptoms as well as vaginal symptoms have been the only problems I've faced. Just within the last two months I noticed numbness in my right arm and more indigestion. I stopped using the olive leaf I'd been treating myself with, and dropped the vitamins I was using that contained grapeseed extract to see if that was the problem. Mind you, I was not trying very hard to stick to the diet, so that may have made the problems worse. I also had a stress test done, that turned out borderline - if that's possible? I don't have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and am still relatively young for heart issues (49), but do have a family history of heart conditions: grandfather on dads side died of heart attack, dad has had quadruple and double bypass surgery, his sister died of a brain bleed resulting from heart attack meds (blood thinnners), and mother died of a stroke. So, I guess I'm a good candidate.
I've been using coconut oil for the indigestion, and that really makes a big difference, so I'm wondering if the chest pain isn't indicative of a heart problem. Unfortunately that doesn't explain my numb arm or the stress test results. The cardiologist I saw gave me three options: wait and see, do a heart catheterization, or a CT angiogram (which most insurances won't pay for). I decided to sign up for the heart cath (which is simply a test that checks your arteries to see if they are blocked) despite my concerns about the dyes used and possible allergic reactions. Does anyone out there have any information regarding heart issues and candida? If it does turn out that I have a blockage, I will probably be asked to treat this, and I want to make sure that it's not going to worsen the candida in my system.