Re: Could a HPV protocol be similar to HSV protocol?
Aloe Vera doesn't have anything to do with stupid vitamin E (although you might wanna load up on vitamin E too {10,000 units of vitamin E has had positive results in HIV patients). It is the mannose in aloe vera that stimulates your T-cells and B-cells AND macrophages. AND MACROPHAGES. A macrophages is a leukocyte (white blood cell) that has entered tissue. Read this
and make sure you read it all because I get the feeling your a little ADD'd out. The mannose is found inside the polysaccharides derived from Aloe Vera. Polysaccharides are:
Notice how it is a long chain of linked simple sugars. Peptides are pretty much the same thing. Notice how the cure for HPV is SLP. Which stands for synthetic long peptides. Read this:
Polysaccharides are nothing more than natural peptides according to the definition. This is why it works. Basically the same thing the vaccine did except you find this naturally.
As far as Celebrex goes forget what it is made for I told you what it has to do with. It reduces the E6 and E7 expression. This is important to the cycle and survival of HPV. Read this and read it all because this is your freakin life were talking about. Copy and paste that and when the thing pops up click save file. You will need Microsoft PowerPoint to view that I am guessing everyone has that:
That right there tells you about a couple things that reduce the expression of E6 and E7. Read this now:
That right there is the freakin cure. It is crazy how everyone (doctors and scientists alike) say "there is no cure for high risk HPV" STFU. Here is the cure staring you dead in the face. Celebrex with Aloe Vera is pretty much the same effect. Now read this:
The oncoproteins interfere with your bodies tumor suppressing mechanisms. The stuff doesn't have that many big words. I know what your thinking this worked on women who had cervical problems. HPV will infect any mucous membranes that is how sometimes people who never had allergies develop allergies when they become adults because HPV infects their sinuses. People think they have allergies but they have HPV. Forget the price of the Aloe Vera and whatever else you may need this is your freakin life. Forget that new car you were gonna buy you need to fix yourself. I am waiting until I have enough bottles to start my self administered therapy because I don't want to run out and not have any. According to my estimates it will cost me about $1500 to have enough bottles for a year. I am stacking up on them now when I have $2000 dollars worth I will start the therapy. That is not that bad though if you think of what your doing-Your basically buying the cure for a deadly disease which supposedly has no cure. That isn't a bad deal. Before I began my research I would of thought I would have to rob a couple banks and save up a couple million and hire a group of scientists to cure me for a couple million. No the cure is here. I am also looking into ways to increase my P53 and pRB cancer suppressing mechanism in my body. It is probably some kind of cancer drug out there I will take the one with the lowest side effects. After you cure yourself get the Gardisil vaccine every 3 years because if you get re-infected it is much harder to cure if not impossible. Don't thank me.